Partner yoga is a great way to get creative and enjoy practicing yoga. It allows you to connect with your partner-physically and mentally. You can workout together with you spouse, friend or anyone else. What is great about working with a partner is that you can do the same pose at the same time, intertwine a pose to create a new pose or just support each other during a routine. Partner yoga also helps increase your strength because it allows you to use your partner's weight to increase resistance. It also helps you with proper alignment, balance and concentration. Besides, it great fun. 1. Chakrasana Lie on your backs, bend your knees and place the feet flat on the floor. Press the feet into the floor for support, inhale and lift the hips up, rolling the spine off the floor. Place the palms underneath the shoulders and press and straighten the arms to lift the shoulders and head off the floor. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Benefits: This asana strengthens and ton...